Saturday, July 19, 2008

To Mghandbells '08

Dear Mghandbells '08

Tomorrow is the big day huh? And yeah, I just wanna say, BREAK A LEG! (Ok dear girls, not literally, as in good luck.. Understand tiffany?!) But yeah, do your best out there and make everyone wow at mghandbells!

Anyway, when I was back in Singapore for those 2 weeks, I've heard and seen you all practice 4 times and yeah, I got to say that you all really did very well. I got to say that you have exceeded my expectations by a lot and that I'm very proud of you. And seriously, you get to play such cool songs, don't let those songs down! Haha.

And most importantly, remember that you're not just any handbells choir. Mghandbells is much more than that. You're from MGhandbells choir(shut up all you non mghandbellers! Especially those who don't even play handbells) and that we ring for the joy of the Lord. Trust God to make your performance special and the best performance you had so far. You all are capable of that so do not let your talents go to waste. Commit the whole thing into God's hands and trust that He'll bring you all through.

You all may start to get nervous and jittery before the whole thing but don't worry because you are more than ready. And besides, the audience never knows the mistakes that you make so don't worry. So long as you do your best, nothing else really matters.

And dear girls, PLEASE SMILE!!! Remember what I said. The song will sound sad if you look sad. The songs are all meant to be happy, maybe a bit heart stopping, but definitely not sad. So SMILE!!! Show everyone that you enjoy performing. Besides you're doing this for the Lord, a bit for man, but mainly for the Lord. So remember, SMILE!!!!

And remember the roses I gave and ALL THE FOOD you all practically ate, it came with a pact. You are not supposed to let me down ah. Go out there and enjoy yourself yeah. Do your best and no matter what, whether the song was full of mistakes or not, we'll find a way to laugh about it later.

So yeah, ALL THE BEST FOR TOMORROW! I expect to hear from all of you how it went yeah? And remember to have fun out there! I'll be supporting you from down under (Melbourne!)

And when I come back at the end of the year, we can all go out together and have a really late celebration for it. Haha.

Remember, Mghandbellers ring for the joy of the Lord! :)

Love your coolest senior

All those who don't do handbells are not entitled to give any negative comments.

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