Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Evil evil pigeon

Ok, so I'm back to my really boring routine. Haha. Expect I didn't go to school today. Ok so in that case, I officially start my boring routine tomorrow.

Ok so after my previous post, I fell asleep and woke up to some knocks on my door. I thought it was the supervisor so I kept quiet. (oh btw, I like to bury myself under my blanket when I sleep) So then the door opened a bit, and I thought to myself, wah lao, what is so important that they must come in now. And then I knew someone was looking at my bed and then a few seconds later, I heard the toilet door opening and someone going, monica? And I realised it was mush! Haha. Apparently my door wasn't closed properly and for some reason she didn't see me under my bed. Haha. I took quite a while to get up and I went in search for her.

Then we went Big W, Safeway and then Chinatown (for my phone card and to top up my sim card.) Oh and on the way to chinatown, I SAW THE MOST CREEPY PIGEON EVER!!!! You know how when you kick towards a bird, it flies. I know in Australia they don't seem to fly away but to you, but the point is, THEY FLY! This pigeon was round. IT WAS REALLY ROUND OK?! Like some mini soccer ball. And the body was so huge that the neck and head looked like it was stuck inside the body. And it has those red beady eyes and it just glared. AND IT DIDN'T MOVE! It was like some statue. And then I pointed to it, unable to say anything. And soon I started screaming. And so much for protecting me from birds, Mush ran to my other side(away from the bird) once I started screaming. And throughout the whole time, the bird just watched us! I'm serious. That bird is evil!!! Evil I tell you. It wasn't even scared at all. I bet it was thinking of how to attack us or something. And that's why I say, NO ONE SHOULD FEED THE BIRDS! Like seriously, STOP HELPING THEM MULTIPLY!! (Oh and the birds in Singapore, well most of them, look demonic. I think they were possessed)

Ok enough of that. Haha. I don't feel like blogging anymore. Haha.

Oh btw, it's not even THAT cold lah please. I thought it was going to be freezing. But the temp feels exactly like how it was before I left Melbourne. Maybe I'll just have to experience the wind then it'll be cold.

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