Saturday, July 26, 2008


With loving hearts and joyous song we sing to MGS...

So mg just celebrated her 121th anniversary, and yeah, I'm kinda upset that I could not go for the founder's day service. But God has a plan for me, and I'm sure He has a reason for not letting me go.

I really want to thank the Lord for placing me in mg. Those 10 years of my live has certainly been the best so far. To start of with, I really love the fact that mg had a strong Christian atmosphere. I really liked how we had morning devotions everyday and chapel on a weekly basis. There is also a parent support group that will pray for you if you need so and somehow, all these make me feel really comfortable. The annual DJW also contributes to my spiritual growing. So basically, I'm really glad that God placed me in a mission school. Yeah, it may have been really sheltered, but if I were given a choice to go back in time and change all these, I would have still chosen mg. And there's no doubt about it.

Secondly, the teachers have really been encouraging. I mean I have had my share of really unreasonable teachers and teachers that just drive me up the wall. But overall, I must say that the teachers in mg are really loving and all. Especially in sec 3 and 4. Perhaps it was because those were our major years in mg, but when I just sense the concern our teachers had for us, it made me really touched.

Mg has also given me many other skills. Through mainly LTC, handbells and 3i/4i, I have gained leadership skills. Not forgetting the 'lessons' we had outside classes, such as fine dining and all that kind of funny things. I guess at that point of time, we won't see much sense in it. But as we get older, these skills will start to apply to us more. I can still remember that lady that will go, "Martin.. Luther.... King.. I had a dream... A leader knows the way, goes the way and shows the way" and how we will constantly make fun of her by mimicking her. Those good old days.

And on top of all those, the one thing that mg has given me that I hold really close to my heart, is all those fond memories. Like in primary school, it seemed like some tradition to bring the P1s to the back of the school and say that there's a witch there. The clock tower was ALWAYS haunted. The friendships made that will last through the ages. The fact that handbells was the BOMB! The fire drills we had and how we always tried to use them to escape common tests. The really retarded mini fairs we have every year. Our most pathetic half days (half an hour off is considered very good) The school events we had to attend (and how when you gather a few handbellers together, they turn it into an opportunity for a picnic) The squeals from the girls as birds fly pass the canteen. The non stop vomiting and fainting of the primary school girls. The really fun prefect duties I had in P6. Hopscotch while waiting for parents. The pregnant woman outfit... The list just goes on and on and on.

And now, I've officially graduated from mg, even though I wasn't at the ceremony. Honestly, I really really miss mg. I mean, how can I not? I've been studying there 10 years of my life. Well I guess I'm really proud to proclaim that I'm from mg! And I so wouldn't mind turning back time, just to relive those precious memories.

So yeah, Thank You Lord for placing me in mg.

This is for friendships made and pleasure shared, and lessons learned apace. I will never forget all those times I had in mg! And I hope future batches will feel the same way too :)


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