Wednesday, October 31, 2012

From Eve To Mary

Completing my course before everyone is done with exam is not as fun as I thought it would be.  Can't really "hang out" with people since everyone has to study.

On a side note, I'M DONE WITH MY COURSE!! I can't believe the year has zoomed by so quickly and that I'm at this very point in my life right now.  Feels so surreal.

And just because Teo mentioned she was listening to the soundtrack of "From Eve to Mary - Walking with Women", I had to go google it again and oh the memories are flooding back.  Looking back, I really am honoured and am so grateful for the opportunity to be part of a huge musical production, directed by Jonathan Lim and have music written/arranged by Bang Wenfu.  It's really such high honour, working with professionals who put together one of more amazing musicals ever.

The pictures barely capture how huge scale the whole musical was.  Man, the hours we spent on rehearsals and whatnot.  I remember going home at midnight for so many nights in a row, and how we will attempt to finish our homework before people arrive at our scene and then we have to provide angelic music.  The endless number of snack we hid and brought to munch on to keep us sane.  And that's all just tip of the ice berg.  Oh the memories.

I really miss such moments, but I'm super grateful for the memories that come with it.  It's been a while since I thought about all these performing arts stuff, and what I would give to be able to perform like that again, or even those simple "carolling in Orchard Road."

Ahh, handbells (:

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Walking down memory lane

It's funny how recently music, shows, and whatnots have been bringing me down memory lane, bringing back such precious memories.

Right now, I just want to thank YOU for all those harder times and I want to thank YOU even more for being there and carrying me through all those.  I want to thank YOU for letting those experiences mould me to the person I am today and thank YOU for never letting me stray.


Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Another great chapter

And as I procrastinate:

1 more day before I finish my Counselling unit.
12 more days till my Psychological Assessment exam
20 more days till my Research Project is due
24 more days till my Presentation

And then I'll be done with yet another course; time flies.  And in my last few days, slogging in front of the computer, writing up essays, filling up application forms, I realised how much I actually enjoy what I'm doing.  The pain, the tears, the stress - all worth it.  So fun that I really want to do Masters and/or Doctorate eventually.  So fun that I am more certain of where I hope to work and what I hope to spend my life doing.

And regardless, I'm still super grateful for this year and super grateful that God has given me a spot in this course, even though it means travelling SO FAR every week.  For once, I think I'll be able to close the year, for both ministry and studies, very peacefully and filled with anticipation for where He'll bring me to next year.

For I know YOU KNOW the plans for my life, and for that I am at peace.