Friday, July 04, 2008

Adjusting the Sails

I watched this just now, and the last part kinda moved me.
I especially like this quote

"The journey of life is like sailing through the wind, at times it will get rough and you will be set in the wrong direction. But you can’t give up. You might not be able to direct the wind, but you can always adjust the sails"

So true. So true

This video has really got me thinking. There are so many circumstances that we are thrown into that we do not like, and then we think it leads only to a dead end. And sometimes it's just beyond us to change that circumstance. But isn't it amazing that we can change how we deal with it? Isn't is wonderful that we can just try to change our attitude towards it?

I guess that's how I got to accept the fact that I was studying overseas. I never really thought about it, but I'm sure if I were to just focus on the stuff like, all my loved ones are in Singapore and all that blah blah, studying abroad would have been pure misery. And once I was in Melbourne, there was really no turning back. Am I glad that God showed me the silver lining.

So I guess, I'm going to change my approach now. Everything happens for a reason and I'm certain there's a silver lining to everything. Sometimes, we just require a bit more time to see it, to appreciate it. But that doesn't mean we give up. No. In fact, it means we should press on.

One thing I learnt, is that there's a bigger picture, a bigger plan for us all, that we may never comprehend. But once you catch a glimpse of God's plans, once you start to understand the things that are happening to you, you really can't help but to admire His works, to appreciate His wisdom.

God has a plan for us all. We may think that His plan is not the best and thus we have a negative outlook towards it. But once we start to change our attitude, once we tap into His master plan, things would not be as horrible as we all make it out to be.


Some random thoughts

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