Saturday, August 23, 2008

Time of rest

I'm finally done with my really hectic week. Well sorta. I still have work to catch up on and stuff, but at least I don't have anymore appointments/arrangements.

I am so tired!

So now is my well deserved rest and I wouldn't mind crawling back into bed, but the chances that I will wake up after an hour or two is like really low. I think I'll be able to sleep till the next day and it's only 1.40pm now. That's how tired I am. But no! I am going to complete my agenda for the day.. once I figured out what it is. Haha.

And I can smell food which is making me really hungry but I've to wait for a while more for Mush to finish bathing. I'm so tempted to just nap while waiting but I know I won't wake up. Oh the conflict!

Anyway, I just came from LTC and I managed to 'gain' something from it, so that was good. Made my waking up early worth while. Haha. Now I've something to ponder upon. How interesting.

Alright, the computer screen is making me more sleepy than I already am, so that's all folks!

Now to just quieten my heart and reflect on my week. Thank God for a day of rest! I so need this

Lord I yearn to see Your face

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