Wednesday, August 06, 2008

My family

Kudos to Ziteng for editing the photo

10 fun facts about phone conversations with my family
  1. My brothers like to ask me what I'm doing and what did I have for all my meals
  2. And they'll ask me that throughout the WHOLE conversation
  3. Ian likes to pretend he's everyone in the family (by 'changing' his voice) So you can imagine how long it takes him to pass the phone to someone else
  4. My mum talks to me more of the 'how are you' side
  5. My dad deals with more of the logistic stuff (yes he'll still ask how are you)
  6. My brothers love asking me to buy stuff for them
  7. Brendan is only worried about how cold it is here (He's not concerned, he's jealous)
  8. 'Joey' seems to be able to speak in human language now, thanks to my brothers
  9. Tv seems more important than me
  10. They only ask me what I'm doing but never tell me what THEY are doing. HMPH!
But those are the little things that make me love them more and more :)

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