Thursday, August 07, 2008

How to make studying easier

Psych is such a fun fun fun subject to study! Wheee

Let me tell you all something really interesting, and it can most probably help you for your exams and tests.

You know how we always claim we have STM and our memory is really bad. Firstly, you can't really phrase it like that but I'm not going to go into that. So anyway, that's nonsense. The only reason why we are unable to remember everything we study is because the information has not gone into our Long Term Memory (LTM) - which you don't need to know about. So basically, for us to remember things relatively permanently, it has to be stored in our LTM. So the thing is this, the information that we get into our brains first go through the Sensory Memory (SM) then to Short Term Memory (STM), where we work on the info and then to the LTM, for storage. But the thing is, you have to add meaning to the info for it to be stored in the LTM. So right, if you were to do rote learning, chances that you remember a lot is very little. But if you made the info meaningful to you, it will be stored in your LTM and studying will not be so much of a chore. Jinli please correct me if I'm wrong. Haha. No one else can ok. Because I don't think anyone else who reads my blog studied this.

How interesting was that. Haha. If only I knew about this long time ago. I'm sure I would have found studying more interesting and it would have definitely been more fun studying. Well, at least I get to learn it now. Psych is really so so fun!

Ok off to memorise memory! Haha. I love saying that

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