Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Big Smile

This is how I felt in the afternoon; I am the yellow 'ball' surrounded by a sea of people feeling blue.

It was quite gloomy this afternoon, with the sky threatening to rain. As I waited in the train station for the train to take me home, I somehow felt a strange warmth despite the cold winds. It's like those movies when there's a weird spotlight on you alone, and everything around you just seems so dull and sad. I know the other people at the platform thought I was crazy because I had the biggest smile on my face.

Reason is, I got back my Criminology essay today and I was pleasantly surprised at my marks, especially after the tutor went on and on about how majority got a pass only and if you had a credit you should be rejoicing. (I'm asian; Singaporean to be exact. That is not what I want to hear.) But yeah, I'm so thankful for what I got.

Thank You SO SO SO SO SO MUCH GOD! It really wasn't by my effort but by His grace that I got this grade; I seriously thought I was going to fail or just pass or something that is not worth getting proud over.

Big smiles; I'm so so happy (:

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