Saturday, March 01, 2008

Sing Yee 101

I shall post about one of my new friends today.

Haha. First of all, her name is Sing Yee. I shall not going into much of her personal details like her birth date and such. But anyway. Ya. She claims to be cute and innocent. But beware of her, she has a twisted little mind. And well, to put it nicely, she is vertically challenged. Which makes it SO NICE AND FUN to tap her head once in a while. And then when she tries to touch yours back, and starts jumping, I'm sorry, I just can't stop laughing.

Anyway, she has a rather nice character. Like she introduced me to a lot of people in the hostel and now I'm usually having my meals with her.(which is actually a very big deal) But yes, still with that twisted little mind. She loves all sorts of technology and she is so addicted to movies/tv series and games, that she has like a PSP, some O2 phone (or whatever it is. that stores a lot of stuff), a PDA and her GRAPHIC CALCULATOR!! (she installed tertris and mario in it. and won't stop playing with it. haha. and like if you see someone holding a graphic calculator like that, it has that really nerdy yet hardworking look. But deep down.... she's actually playing...)

It's very fun to sing national day songs to Sing Yee and get all high with her. Because she just can't stand the fact that I will sing such songs in such a unique style. If you want to hear it, well, catch me when I'm high. hahahahahaha.

And Sing Yee is my complain-about-TOAB partner. Yes you'll hear more about it one day. We need to make sure that our story is good enough for all you readers.. And trust me, even if it isn't, you should make the effort to read it. It contains a lot of information that we feel the public should know. Yes..

And another friend calls Sing Yee a mushroom head. A small mushroom head rather. hahaha. I think it's because of her hair. But yeah.

Oh yes. And Sing Yee is weird. We were all talking about our futures and I was saying how I didn't really want to work. And she went 'oh, the only thing I am thinking about now, is my retirement!' HAHAHAHHAHA! AT THIS AGE! Ok, I just got so so tickled by it. hhaha

Ok I'm just a little high.

#1 - This is Sing Yee.
She didn't really expect me to take that photo. So yeah. She doesn't usually smile at you. She likes to give that killer look. BUT YES! I TOOK THAT PHOTO! MUAHAHA

#2 - Sing Yee reading the newspaper
So the story goes, we were at a friend's house today and there were newspaper. So while the few of us were watchin movie, she spent the whole time (109 mins) reading... And we couldn't resist by take a few photos of her. hahahaha (she spent most of her time there reading.. all sorts of weird stuff...)

#3 - Random
This is just to tell you guys how much I miss my baby days. When I can just suck on my milk bottle. Yeah. hahaha. I kinda bought this packet of apple juice thingy, for the bottles! (or rather, the bottle caps!) hahahah

She's so going to kill me if she sees this. Or rather, she's going to try to jump and hit my head or do something that she most probably can't because of her height. HAHAHA. okok. I shall stop being so mean!

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