Friday, February 09, 2007

something meaningful

Yeah, Miss Kon shared something that will really make you think. Well, at least it got me thinking and reflecting. I kinda liked what she shared.

So I'm going to share it with you...(this is kinda edited cos I can't really remember word for word)

There were these two boys. One day they were eating grapes and the grapes were full of seeds. So the first boy said,"Why must there be so many seeds in this?" And basically he just couldn't stop complaining. The second boy then brought the first boy to the garden. He then said,"Look at those beautiful roses. Even though there are thorns on the branches, they are still so beautiful."

There was this other time when the two boys went for a run. After the run, both of them sat down and starting drinking. Not long after, the first boy said frustratedly, "Look! I bottle now is only half filled." The second boy replied,"Oh, lucky me, my bottle is half empty"

This story really makes you think doesn't it. How you can look at things in two different ways, positive and negative. You can always look at things negatively and never be happy. So even though there are times when you do make a bit of mistakes, and things seem to be so so so bad. You can just try to find a positive light of it, and not feel that depressed.

Ya, so as I heard this during devotions today, I asked myself, how have I been looking at things. Have I always looked at things in the positive light, or have I always demoralised myself? And then I asked myself, how could I get those around me to think positive thoughts?

Well basically, I don't really have the answer yet. I know it's kinda anti-climate to say that but that's the truth. Yeah.

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