Sunday, February 04, 2007

SYF assignments

Ok, I really want to thank Tiffany and Priscilla.

Thank You Two so so much for letting me play EF6 for "Shiny Steps". Like I know how much everyone, well almost everyone, would like to play the trebles. And to think that you two actually gave up the offer so that Rui Jun and I could have the notes. So yeah. Thank you two loads and loads.. It's seriously very hard to find friends like the two of you.

Yay! I'm finally on the road to recovery. My nose is not exactly cleared and my throat is not exactly not hurting. But yeah. I feel much better than before. I'm not exactly in the pink of health. But I'm not that dead looking as before. Haha. I was like a zombie on friday so my mum had no choice but to give me medicine which would make me drowsy. Oh gosh. I can't believe the things I did. You know who you are. Please don't tell anyone what I did. It makes me sound like a retard but I'm not one ok.

Handbells has been getting better and better la. Practise does really make perfect. I hope that we can settle our SYF songs soon. So that we can actually just focus on them and all. I don't want to end up having tons and tons of prac when it's closer to exams just because we can't settle on the songs.. Like I know it's not easy and all. But hopefully, Mrs Aw can just do something soon..

OHOH! And I can go out tmr and can play for crosslink this month. You know how happy I am. Cos like I'm not allowed to go out that much. And just to be able to go out is really so so exciting. To think simple things like this make me so happy. Seriously people, if you can go out a lot, you should not take it for granted. If not you'll end up like me.

Ok, till next time...

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