Tuesday, March 02, 2010

This burden on my heart

"How can they not intervene when they witness such atrocities?"
"I think if people see this footage, they'll say 'oh my God that's horrible' and they go on eating their dinners."

It's sad because that's the truth.

When we witness all these social injustice, when we see news clips of countries that just had a natural disaster, what do we do about them? Feel sorry, maybe pray, or maybe even donate some money. But then what? We just totally forget about it and move on. But have we considered the long term effects that these may have on those people's lives? Do we realise that even though they may not be headline news anymore, that they are still suffering?

I acknowledge that it's not easy to help; sometimes we have obstacles preventing us from helping, sometimes we just don't know where or how to start.

We need to stop finding excuses for ourselves and take that first step..


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