Sunday, March 28, 2010

Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

And so because I found the "Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" CD, I've been playing it over and over and over. I simply LOVE that musical. First one I watched and rewatched and rewatched... Ok but before I get carried away..

(Basically it's a musical based on a bible story of Joseph. Found here) It's amazing how even for a situation that so filled with hatred and so much sin, that God used it to bring so much glory to His name. A boy sold to be a slave, later thrown into prison, later rose to be in charge of Egypt, saving the same people who wanted him dead.

So today I was listening to it again, since well, my new 'hobby' seems to be spending so much time on public transport here -.-

So it came to the point where Joseph's 11 brothers were standing before him in Egypt, asking for food, and they had no idea that it was Joseph. Then Joseph's brother, Benjamin (the only one who shared the same mother as Joseph), was accused of stealing Joseph's silver cup.

So in the musical, it was this whole number where the other brothers were trying to defend their youngest brother, Benjamin.

Then it got me thinking. I really wonder what Joseph must have felt then. Like on one hand, his brothers were so eager to get rid of him/kill him. And on the other hand, they were fighting to save the youngest brother. It's kinda bittersweet don't you think? Although it probably hurt so much to be betrayed by his brothers, it's probably a very sweet scene to see them trying to protect the youngest. I mean like, if I were him, there would probably be a hint of jealousy, because no one was fighting to save him..

But ya. Nice story with a lovely ending. And if I can, I REALLY want to watch that musical again..

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