Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's that time

It's that time of the semester again when all the assignments and mid-sems (tests) start pouring in. Not forgetting the endless amount of readings. Plus this year, there's cell. Also the fact that travelling takes up a lot of time, whether it's to the city or to uni, and also the fact that I have to consider my family in my decisions.

So in one word: STRESS!

Because of that, I'm so thankful for homecell (no need to prepare much) and an awesome core group that is SUPER helpful. Really helps to take my mind off a lot of things.

So once I clear my mind, it's time to conquer my assignments. I shall set my goal to finish everything by this weekend so that all the revision and proofreading can be done during the week. I anticipate sleeping really late tonight. Thank God for no classes on Friday.

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