Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Rain Cycle

This interesting cycle has been happening the whole day.

The wind will blow all these dark clouds and you can see the blue sky slowly disappearing behind the clouds. As this is happening, it would start to drizzle. In a matter of minutes, the whole sky would be dark and the rain would get heavier and heavier. Then after a couple of minutes, it'll slowly reduce to a drizzle again and the sky would be really bright, and the sun shining fiercely. And then the wind start howling again...

But I guess Melbourne really needs the water. So ya, thank God for the rain, and for the cool view I have from my window. It's actually really nice to be on the 16th floor, looking over Carlton Garden and being able to see far into the horizon, and see how the weather is constantly changing.

And now that it's going to rain soon, I can't go out to buy food. And I really don't feel like cooking. And here comes the heavy downpour. Maybe I'll go later to buy food. Hopefully this cycle is shorter

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