Thursday, November 08, 2007


As I end a chapter of my life and start a new one, I thought I should change my blogskin as well.

So many things are going to change. The school I'm going to attend, the classmates I'm going to have, the new surroundings (no more shelter from mg), and loads more...

Ok, technically I am still having O Levels, but I just couldn't resist changing my blogskin. I had the other one for such a long time, and I decided it was time for a change. To think that my third week of exams are over. Now only left next monday, chem and physics paper 1 and I'll be done with this major exam. WOW

Don't worry, I'm not going to start recollecting all my memories. At least not now. Must wait for that significant moment.

Decisions after decisions are going to have to be made. Just pray that I've the wisdom to make the correct ones. These decisions are life changing decisions? One mistake and I'm going to regret it for life.

And ok, I guess it doesn't really matter how many people know. Should I go overseas, Australia, after this like for education or should I just stay in Singapore. I seriously seriously seriously need some advice. Like pros and cons. I'm going mad.. And I want to keep all my friends. I know if I leave, I'll most probably lose every other friend I have. And I dont' really want that to happen. Sigh. HELP!!!

Oh well. You are entitled to just marvel at my blogskin. haha.

Oh and I recommend you all to watch the Game Plan. NICE SHOW!

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