Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I dunno why I'm posting again, but I was just thinking. I realised that "I Not Stupid 2" is something we all can actually learn from.

They start off the show by asking when is the last time you praised someone? And that's true. When have we last praised someone for their good efforts? Or have we taken that person for granted? I know for me, once I've done something good, I like people to acknowledge it. I like people to come up to me and say hey. well done. Honestly for myself, I sometimes also find it hard to actually praise someone. especially if I don't like that person or I think that the efforts are not enough. But who am I to say that not enough efforts are put in? Who am I to say that I don't like a fellow brother or sister in Christ?

In the show they keep on saying this line. Don't look at his bad points, look at merits. And that's actually quite true. I know that I rather others to know what I'm good instead of looking at all my bad points and like not liking me because of it. And I just learnt, that by looking at only one's bad points, you can actually make a good kid turn bad. Everyone has talents, no one is talentless. True enough, it is easier to notice the bad points compared to the good points, but let's all challenge ourselves.

And just by praising someone or commenting on that person's good points can actually make a difference to that person's life. That person may be so touched that all the 'bad points' disappear. That person could be have been thinking of suicidal thoughts but a simple phrase like "good job" or "well done" could just change that person's life and the people around him forever.

So what are you waiting for? Go make a difference in someone else's life today!

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