Friday, October 16, 2009

Stepping out, in faith

Back in Secondary School, I used to sing 'Lord I'm stepping out from the comfort zone'. I never really fully understood what it meant. I pictured simple, do-able stuff like going for short term mission trip and not having the comfort of my bed. I imagined stuff like not being able to eat whatever I want but just being grateful for whatever food was placed in front of me when going to the mission field. But God had more planned for me. More than I have ever imagined. God has really challenged me beyond my wildest dreams.

It's the 16th of Oct. Decision day. And I must say, it wasn't easy to come to this decision. It was very painful decision in fact. But I did ask God to not let me stay stagnant in what I do. I did tell God that I wanted to be able (whenever He called me to), to take not steps but leaps out of my comfort zone. I want to just trust Him wholeheartedly that when I take that step off the cliff, in faith, that He'll either catch me or teach me to fly.

So I guess it has boiled down to this; am I willing to take that step out of my comfort zone again? Am I willing to take that step again, in faith?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not onto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
I pray for courage and wisdom as I hand in the letters later. And I'm going to trust that for God to bring me to this decision, that He has a plan and a purpose for this to happen.

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