Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Random thoughts at 2am

I just suddenly realised how twice this year I would have to see an empty apartment; Spring Street and Dairy Farm.

As much as it is exciting to start a new chapter and stuff, it's so hard to close the old one. It's hard to let go and move on. I'm really going to miss Dairy Farm, especially since I grew up there. Haha, random note, I remembered crying when my dad sold the first car I remembered sitting in. And I was probably in kindergarten or something. Shows you how much of a sentimental person I am. I can still remember the car plate number. Actually, I can remember all the car plate numbers.

Ok cars aside, I guess I should be strong. Not only for me but for my family as well. It's just going to be really sad, to go back and see our belongings in boxes, my piano gone. Familiar furniture to be thrown away. It's really the little things that holds the greatest sentimental values. But I guess ultimately, the memories will stay with us and come with us. God has plans for us, which involves coming to Melbourne.

Things will be good next year. I can feel it. So long as we do God's will as a family, He will continue to look after us and bless us abundantly. I know He'll provide for us.

To new beginnings (:

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