Monday, February 02, 2009

This Is My New Reality

When I was younger, I always thought that I would stay in Dairy Farm till the day I get married. I imagined my parents staying here like forever, and I would bring my kids back here. And as they run through the corridors, I would share with them the precious memories this condo held for me. I would go, 'Yes, this was mummy's room.'

That was all once upon a time.

Things are going to be so different. Ever since 2007, my brothers and I got the idea that the chances of this place being our home forever was really slim. Well, unless we become millionaires at this very moment. Now with the Australian PR, and people viewing the house (which I tell you, is not very pleasant, but sadly, has to be done), our days left here are like numbered. And me being sentimental, well, can't believe that after all my life (so not counting the time I was in TOAB), that we have to leave this place.

And as much as my sentimental side is wishing so hard that we would never have to sell this place, my 'matured' side has to step in and constantly remind myself that this is for the better.

Sigh, hope I don't have to say goodbye soon. I remembered being utterly destroyed when my parents were going to sell the first car. Soon it's going to be the house.

I so won't mind being a millionaire now.

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