Wednesday, February 11, 2009

They Are Just Mean, Disgusting, Loud, Scary...

It's 6.30am in the morning and I am up. Ridiculous. You all are most probably going to be pure evil and laugh over it, but whatever. I'm going to type it and hopefully staring at the computer screen will make my eyes tired enough for me to get back to bed.

I was awoken by this stupid bird chirping (it's not even like nice chirping. It was mean and disgusting and annoying and I HATE BIRDS!) on my window still. And it was so darn loud I thought it was in my room. And I heard joey (my dog) scratching my door, which confirmed that the bird wasn't part of my dream. It was really that close. And I was thinking, crap, my windows are opened so wide, the bird could be in my room for all I knew. So like a little kid scared of ghost, I hid under my blanket, away from that nasty bird and I was desperately trying to find my phone. I was planning on calling the house to get someone to open my door and let Joey scare the bird and to make sure the bird wasn't in my room, while I hide. But apparently I left my phone outside. -.- Of all days. So as the bird got louder, I got more scared and eventually I opened my door and jumped out of bed and let Joey scare the bird away. And it was kinda bright outside so I thought maybe it was about 7 (how would I know that these silly birds were up so early) I had to go outside and get my mum and brothers to check my room and make sure that bird didn't come in.

And now, I can't sleep. But I know if I don't sleep now, I'll get cranky at work later, due to lack of sleep. Then again, maybe I should just stay up and watch tv. Nahh. Ok, going to have another attempt in falling back asleep.

Please no more birds. I hope they all just die.

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