Monday, September 25, 2006

monica + needles = ahhhh

I've said it before and I'm going to say it again. I can't stand needles!! Why must we have this vacination jab because we are going to mission trip. I'm really very scacred of that stupid needle. How I wish they will come up with new methods of giving us vacination besides needles. I kept on telling myself that I would be ok, but when people started to try scare others by emphasising on the needle and the whole procedure, I could just feel myself just break down. Like suddenly I told myself that I was not prepared to go through it and there was this sudden rush of fear. I really tried to hold back my tears, but like, the tears just kept on rolling down. It's times like this when I realise that I'm really really scared of needles. I think I teared so much that ewen and seth stopped scaring people. They were like trying to get me to calm down. So embarrassing. But I'm glad that I took the vacination with people from church cos I'm closer to them. I think if I took it with people from school. Then it would be worst. Cos at least in church there are teachers and my father was there. And yeah, the friends there are like people I know for a longer time. yeah.

Exams coming. need to go study..

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