Monday, January 02, 2006

had a countdown with jessica, sarah, gloria and ziteng on a cc. haha. since we all didn't go any where or couldn't go any where. we did the next best thing. call my handphone for conference and started so scream the countdown. haha. so ya. if there's any other countdown you people want but not allowed to go out. let me know. then we can have another countdown.
ok. now back to the main point of this post. ya. another year has just flew pass. and it was so so fast. time really really flies when you're having fun. i really miss 2005. i miss being called a sec 2. i so don't want to be called a sec 3. things would like never be the same. i am not in the same class as cherilyn which means no more fun and laughter during class. and with no proper friends in class, wow. i wonder how it will be like. but to honestly tell you people the truth. i rather hanging out with friends in church than those in school. because for most of us we grew up together and ya. we have more things in common.
but not everything would be so upsetting. cherilyn can still come to church. and in church, we're doing the next best thing. we are calling ourselves sec 2 '05. haha. and for handbells we are expected to be having much more performances. and i hope that i don't have to do the bass at all.
ok. i don't think i made any sense. but oh well. now for new year resolutions. i hope i can accomplish all of them.
New Year Resolution
  1. seek ye first the kingdom of God
  2. to be more obedient to both God's word and my parents
  3. to be more organised and responsible
  4. to get rid of all my bad points
  5. to make more non christian friends and bring them to church
  6. to do my quiet time more regularly
  7. to take initiative and not wait to be told

technically i don't know whether those are considered as resolutions. but ya. that's what i want to do for the year.

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