Thursday, March 15, 2012

Beautiful Beyond Description

I know I have a little bit of an obsession with taking photos of the sky, but seriously, how can you not when each day it's different and yet still so beautiful? I really believe that all these just point to the fact that God is artistic; creative creator.

And in other news, to all those oh-so-faithful readers, I'm on my second week of my postgrad and I think this week has been better than the week before. Than again, so far everything beats my first day when I suddenly had that overwhelming feeling of homesick - seriously Geelong is very far away from home, so it's a legitimate feeling. But ya, life have been fun with a good mix of work, uni, OCF and social life - so all's good, for now. As I end this post, I'm thinking to myself: why on earth am I torturing myself by baking for Homecell when I could have just volunteered to buy pizza or something. Tonight's product is definitely not one of my best works.

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