Sunday, January 01, 2012

Hello 2012

With all the celebrations and fellowships during this festive season, time rockets by and everything is in a whirl. It's so easy to get caught up with all the excitement that's all around, and so easy to forget to reflect. And I think it's just me, but I enjoy debriefs, reflections and whatnots because it gives me the opportunity to just collect my thoughts and give thanks for the good and the bad that have both gone by. At the same time, it brings about the anticipation for even greater things to come. I think it gives us the chance to build upon past mistakes and allow us to continue doing what was good for us in the previous season.

2011 will always remain a precious memory to me: a year of growth. Growth in so so many ways. And to be able to stand here, in 2012, is really a testament to God's faithfulness to me; to do more than I could ever imagine, to be stretched in ways I never thought possible, for strengthened relationships, for the endless buckets of tears, for the laughter-induced stomachaches, and so so many more, that it'll take forever to list down. 2011 will be a testimony of how God is so real, in my life, in the lives of others. 2011 will be the year that I look back on and remember how even the most seemingly impossible is possible, just because God is God.

And this new year is different, because I start 2012 being in a state of limbo, a state of uncertainty. It's scary. But with this new year comes new promises from The Most High, and the assurance that promises made in the past will still hold true. So the next few days will specifically be set aside for more reflections, and for dreaming BIG dreams and having visions and assurance for the coming year. I guess, while I sit here and prayerfully consider what the Lord wants me to do, there's so much excitement in this coming year, because great things will happen.

Entering this new year with an expectant heart: 2012 will be amazing because I serve the Great I Am, and He loves me.

A new chapter, a new start.

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