Friday, November 06, 2009

Princess Diaries

Flipping through the pages of my diary.

I remember how this particular diary was inspired by 'The Princess Diaries'. Haha. For my first few entries I really tried to write in the same style. I had another diary and those had even funnier entries in them. I was young then. (I'M STILL YOUNG MIND YOU)

It's funny how I maintained a certain theme all these years. Don't ask me what it is, I probably won't say. Haha. You can imagine how embarrassed I'll be if anyone ever read it. And yet it's cool to see how my mindset changed, how I'm so much different from that girl a few years ago.

Fun fact:
This is just something for those who don't know. When I am writing essays, I always use my ruler to have a standard indentation for the start of every paragraph. And I only use a particular type of ruler. (yes for certain things I can be quite OCD). I still do it, even during exams. I absolutely refuse to estimate the 'two finger gap'. And it's funny to see how even in Primary school I was doing it (esp in my diary).

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