Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Ok so tomorrow I officially start my exams. Just when everyone is doing their last few papers, I begin. Great..

I'm honestly freaking out right now. Like I don't really feel confident, but I think maybe it's just pre exam jitters. And since I'll need this to be able to do year 2 psychology subjects, it's making me even more nervous. And I'm so nervous that I'm typing super fast right now. haha. Not say anyone can tell lah.

Yeah. So really praying that God will give me good grades. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME. That I'll do well and that I'll be able to wake up tomorrow and be on time. Then again, it's more than just on time. I'm like so kiasu. I want to be there early. Haha. Oh! And that I don't fall sick. Especially with so many people in one enclosed room, there'll be so much GERMS!!

Ok back to revising. STRESSSSSS

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