Wednesday, June 24, 2009

3 Down...

And just ONE more to go.

One more!! One more!! I'm seriously losing steam right now. Just no more stamina to continue studying. But I know I really have to. It doesn't help that so many people ended already. Btw, I saw Dom today and I got a lift from him to the city. Yay, and thanks Dom. haha

So far, my exams have been ok. I really don't know how else to comment on it. Uni exams are really somewhat interesting. I don't have to rush for time. I'm taking my own sweet time to do the papers. And goodness me, I even end up day dreaming and stoning in the middle of the exam. And seat numbers do not go in a 'snake' formation, so it will take me even longer to find my seats.

And all I need to do is just mug for a really short time more, and it'll be over. Sem 1 over. But I can find so many thousand excuses in the world to not study now. And now, the debate is, should I go for coffee min tonight or not.

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