Sunday, November 12, 2006

cool friends!

Ok. Just came home from a performance.

Well this performance I must say was really AWESOME! I'll admit to everyone now that the handbell choir have room for improvement. So you must be wondering why I find this performance nice.

Firstly and sadly I want to say it's not because I feel that playing for this occasion is fun. It was like ok la. Part of me was not very keen. Yet at the same time I was kinda excited. I'm one step closer to achieve my aim of getting to know the sec ones better. I hope they don't find me weird. But they are really funny people. Actually everyone in the choir is funny. ESPECIALLY ME!! I'm like so ego.. Secondly it is nice to know that the president enjoyed it. But the most important thing is this..

Like they say. A picture says a thousand words. So the more pictures, the more words. Haha. Lame..

My brothers and cousins. I don't think they wanted to come though.

My parents, uncles, aunties and grandparents. Not forgetting my cute cousin.

And the really nice people who actually came down and supported me. Well at least I hope that's why you're there for. You guys rock! You are all really the best! And I mean it. Thank you so so much for coming! And for the gifts as well. Thanks for making people envy me. My conductor thought it was my birthday. Haha. Yeah. And can I ask why is Daniel hiding and Gerald doing whatever he's doing. haha

And my family too. I was so upset at the thought that they could not make it. So thanks so much for making the effort to come.

The feeling of Christmas is starting to flood my heart.

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