Saturday, October 16, 2010

Have we not learned that I resist change, A LOT.

I remember back in secondary school, how I would kill just to get to go for the new year's countdown, or how I would beg to be able to go for camps and whatnot. I remembered birthdays was a time when we get to go out and eat nice food as a family and Christmas/Chinese New Year was a time of awesome yummy food and presents/hongbaos.

At the beginning of the year, I remembered looking forward to spending Christmas like how we always did. With the whole family, with the gift exchanges. I liked how on those occasions, no matter what, family came first. I remembered being eager for another countdown. Where we will all stay up all night and dragging our feet home the next day.

Because certain things are really meant to be the same. That's what traditions are for, isn't it? Because if not, it just wouldn't feel right.

That's why it sucks so badly when these traditions have to be broken. And this decision I have to make sucks so badly as well.

I'm a sentimental person okay. Stop judging me.

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