Saturday, August 14, 2010


I saw this on C's blog and because I totally agree and it gave me that warm fuzzy feeling, I'm going to copy and paste it. Haha.

I saw this guy standing in the front - trying hard to control his emotions as he spoke to us, but stripped down and in complete honesty before God. And that is the real deal. He reminded us/me to run to God, not only in our times of trouble, but in our times of success. He challenged us/me to stretch our trust in God and exercise our faith, because GOD IS GOOD. He asked us/me if we have been praying for salvation. He showed us/me that being real with God is all that matters.

I saw his brothers alongside him offering support, prayer, encouragement and drive as he shared. Praying for him before the cue, standing with him as he stood, affirming him while he spoke and encouraging him at the end. They reminded me of people I know who would have done the same. They challenged me to be that person for someone new.

That's the kind of man I'd like; that's the kind of friend I'd want to be.
It's humbling.

1 comment:

Monica said...

hehe helloo m____ (hehe you know my nickname for you)