Friday, February 12, 2010

The Time Is NOW

Do you think the children in less privilege countries know that they are missing out on a lot?
Do you think the less fortunate children actually yearn for more, if they don't know what is out there?

Wait. Am I basing happiness on material stuff? Tsk me. No but really. You know when you look into their eyes, and you see this emptiness, sadness? It's really sad :(

But that aside, what can be done? How do we constantly engage ourselves with community, with the people out there who aren't like us? Is it enough to just give money, to pray for them?

Rick Warren said, "The best use of life is love. The best expression of love is time. The best time to love is now." It's time to once again engage myself with the community (and also finish my brainstorming..)

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