Tuesday, January 06, 2009

My story

I was just browsing through my blog, and I realised that this post was never posted. It remained as a draft. Perhaps at that time, I was too shy to share it. But testimonies are meant to be shared right? So yeah. Here is my post that was supposed to have come out last May ...


Everyone always has a story to share.

Many people pray for revelations, for guidance in life. The answers they receive are usually not those straight forward ones.

I prayed the same prayer.
But instead, the answer I received was very clear to me.

I learnt how powerful it is to share your life testimony. And so, here's my story...

Why did I end up coming to Australia?

When my dad first brought up the idea of me studying in Australia, I was furious. I couldn't believe he would even let such a thought cross his mind. Needless to say, I was totally against it. I saw no reason to agree with his logics.

Although I clearly said that I did not want to go, that thought never stopped haunting me. Many times, I'll just randomly start breaking down, because I feared that my dad would send me to Australia against my will. Many people started advising me on the good points on going, but I guess my heart was never prepared.

Mind you, I prayed so hard regarding this. That God will show me what He wants me to do.

Closer to prelims, my QT was on stuff on like how God will use you and how He will send you to places so that you can do things to bring Him glory. They even emphasized on how there's no point trying to avoid it. And somehow, after reading those lines, I always felt a connection. As if God was trying to tell me, "Monica, I want you to go. Don't try to run away from it, you're still going."

But yeah, I tried to avoid it. I remember the day before the SS mock exam (after prelims), I was on the bus studying SS. The bus was really crowded and I was seated on the seat that was not facing the front (I'm not good at describing), on the right side on the bus, next to the window. I had earphones plugged on and then suddenly this lady sat next to me. Out of the blue, she started talking to me by asking me what I was doing. Later on in the conversation, she told me, "hey you know, if you ever have the chance to study overseas. Go!"

At that point, it seemed like a more than clear instruction. Go.

So basically, what I'm trying to say is. I chose to come to Australia, because I felt prompted to. And now, thinking back, I remembered praying time and time again, that I'll be used. I prayed that I'll be used for big things, that I'll learn how to step out of my comfort zone. God definitely heard my prayers. Honestly, in that aspect, I really have no regrets.

And trust me. Coming here is not easy. I remember crying and crying just because I knew I was coming. I remembered crying because I didn't dare to tell my parents that I am willing to come here and study. Even when I came here, the same few feelings just kept on tormenting me. Until now, I'm flooded with insecurity.

On top of that, I don't know if I'm doing what I'm here to do. There are certain stuff that I'm going through now that I'm obviously not so happy with it, but when I take a step back, and try to see it from God's point of view, I start to understand my situation.

When you start to catch a glimpse of God's plan, a glimpse of His glory
Trust me
You can't help but just stand in awe

So yes, that is part of my story. The rest is still being written.

I want to go down in history, impacting lives! So yes, you can try to predict the ending now. :)
[I don't know why I said this.. Hm strange. hahaha]

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