Friday, June 29, 2012

Winter Break

I've never been so grateful for the holidays and I didn't realise how much I really needed it.  And it's really the little things that make a difference.  Tiny things like blowing bubbles in my room, clearing my to-do lists, sleeping in on days I don't have work - I realise how I really took that for granted especially since I had free days in my undergrad year.  And after a semester of waking up to the horrid sound the alarm makes, it felt so good to be able to sleep in until my body was rested enough.  Even things like an organised room - because when doing my lit review, I had notes all over my table and organisation was the last thing on my mind.  The weather even seems to be celebrating with me with the sun shining into my room as I type this.

This is only the 3rd day of my winter break but I think it's already one of my favourite ones and only one more week to go before uni opens again (me thinks?). But yay, I'm really very grateful for every single minute (:

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